"Pandemic" is a photographic story created by photographer Steen Brogaard. The music written to accompany it is created by his son, Markus Brogaard.

“I’m trying to capture an eerie sense of something invisible that is destroying society and changing us forever. Humans are only seen  one by one or two by two. We distance ourselves from each other. The mood is emphasized by the heavy black-and-white tone and the images' gets torn apart. Along the way we meet some of the icons of the pandemic - the lonely, the old,  the missing airplanes underlined by a single jet stripe in the clear sky like a cardio-line from a diseased.

The pictures begin with the top of an island - is it society that sinks? Diving into the corona world of spring 2020, the series ends with sailing balloons. Is it a sign of hope or a mental image of the crowned virus?”

Cph. 2020-08-03 - Steen Brogaard


Zirkus Nemo

